CAIR Demands Firing of Alabama McDonald’s Staff for Allegedly Putting Bacon in Chicken Sandwiches to Offend Muslims

Tennessee Star


The Alabama chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling on a McDonald’s restaurant in Decatur to identify and fire the employee or employees who the group says put small pieces of bacon in chicken sandwiches ordered by a Muslim family.

The restaurant denies any intentional wrongdoing.

Islam prohibits Muslims from consuming pork products. CAIR-Alabama insists that what it says happened Monday was a case of intentional bigotry against Muslims and is demanding that the fast food chain provide surveillance video of the alleged incident.

“Based on the evidence in this incident, as well as the unprecedented spike in anti-Muslim bigotry nationwide, we believe this was an intentional act of religious and ethnic bigotry,” Khaula Hadeed, executive director of CAIR-Alabama, said in a press release Tuesday. “McDonald’s should investigate this incident, identify and terminate the employees responsible, and take proactive steps to satisfy this American family’s concerns, starting with an apology.”

Rick Walter, a McDonald’s owner operator in Decatur, issued a statement refuting CAIR’s claim.

“We want to assure our customers that this was not an intentional act by our employees,” he said, according to The Decatur Daily. “We value every customer and strive to ensure all orders are accurately prepared and served.”

CAIR-Alabama also recently criticized former Alabama Supreme Court Justice and current U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore for calling Islam a “false religion.”

Headquartered in Washington, D.C., CAIR is a radical advocacy group that in 2007 was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land terrorism financing trial.



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2 Thoughts to “CAIR Demands Firing of Alabama McDonald’s Staff for Allegedly Putting Bacon in Chicken Sandwiches to Offend Muslims”

  1. Bruce

    Thank God for bacon and Jesus who declares all food clean.

  2. Jim Forsythe

